
Web Developer

What is your role at Chameleon?

Web Sorcerer

What made you want to be a Web Developer?

Watching too many movies with computer hackers in, War Games, Tron, Sneakers, the Matrix etc.

Why Chameleon?

Who wouldn’t want to work for a company that’s as adaptable and versatile as its namesake, plus  the idea of working in an office where the walls change colour depending on my mood sounds pretty cool too (I’m a joker if you couldn’t tell)

What does a typical day look like for you?

Something is broken
I don’t know how to fix this
Imposter syndrome kicks in
I question my career choice
Realise where the error is
Fixed it
I’m amazing, I can do anything

What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

Some sort of engagement with football, playing it or watching it – sometimes it’s a good day and I get to do both!

Something no one knows about you…

I blog occasionally about things that either interest or annoy me, and most recently wrote about the Qatar World Cup.