
Digital Marketing Consultant

What is your role at Chameleon?

SEO and Digital Marketing Consultant

What made you want to be a Digital Marketing Consultant?

I love writing and have always wanted it to be a part of my career. This allows me the freedom to write, whilst also getting my teeth into something technical and/or challenging.

Why Chameleon?

The people are absolutely lovely and super supportive, and the work environment is just right for me as well!

What does a typical day look like for you?

First things first I make my coffee or herbal tea from my tuck-shop selection at my desk. I then check through my emails and make my plan for the day. I like to start my day with a job I can chill out with- like writing a landing page. You’ll often find me listening to soundtracks like Stardew Valley, or Shrek the musical whilst I work.

What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?

Reading fantasy and sci-fi novels, swimming, writing, and/or walking my dog. I can never pick one.

Something no one knows about you…

I’ve been hugged by one of New Zealand’s most famous stingrays. I’ve also been trained in archery by one of the trainers of New Zealand’s Olympic archery team.