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BRSK operates as a limited company, officially registered in England and Wales under company number 12792126.

The registered office is located at 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, W1W 7LT.

Exploring BRSK Internet: Ownership, Services, and User Experience

Welcome to our detailed exploration of BRSK Internet, a leading provider in the realm of telecommunications. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into various aspects of BRSK Internet, including its ownership, services, relationship with Openreach, suitability for gaming users, establishment history, reviews, complaints, and contact information. Whether you're considering BRSK Internet as your next provider or simply curious about its offerings, this guide aims to provide you with all the essential information you need.

Ownership of BRSK Internet:

Founded in 2020 by two South Africans, BRSK Internet is led by COO Ian Kock (left) and CEO Giorgio Iovino (right). The company operates remotely with a dedicated team based in the UK and South Africa. Though the network construction began in the quaint village of Cottingley in Bradford, the target to reach over one million households by 2025 is beginning to look like it will happen.

brsk CEO Giorgio Iovino and COO Ian Kock

We have to respect these two guys with thier goal and ambition, the state of British broadband is in dire need of improvement, and BRSK Internet is on a mission to address this issue. There goal is to provide ultrafast, full fibre broadband and an exceptional user experience to all the customers across the UK.

As one of the fastest-growing alternative network providers in the UK, they are swiftly expanding there reach to deliver superior broadband access to areas ranging from Manchester to Birmingham, and from Bradford to Bingley.

In the UK experiencing a subpar broadband service is the norm and with the main providers being BT and Virgin the customer service needs huge improvements with horror stories more common than success.

The UK lags behind much of Europe in full-fibre internet access due to its reliance on copper-based cabling instead of high-speed fibre optic infrastructure. As a result, average broadband speeds* in the UK hover around 80.2Mbps for downloads, whereas BRSK Internet offers an impressive top average speed of 900Mbps on full fibre.

The commitment goes beyond simply providing superior broadband; they are equally dedicated to delivering an exceptional customer experience. At BRSK Internet, every team member is passionate about ensuring customers receive top-notch service. While mistakes may occasionally occur, we approach them as learning opportunities and strive to rectify any issues promptly and effectively which is something that BT and Virgin need to take note of.

The Troubles with Openreach, BT, and Virgin

In the digital age, a reliable internet connection is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Unfortunately, for many residents across the UK, accessing quality broadband services remains a persistent challenge. At the heart of this issue lie the telecom giants Openreach, BT, and Virgin Media, which have long been criticised for their subpar services and inadequate infrastructure.

The Monopoly Problem

One of the primary issues plaguing the UK telecommunications landscape is the dominance of a few major players, namely Openreach, BT, and Virgin Media. With their extensive networks and market control, these companies have effectively created a monopoly, leaving consumers with limited options and little recourse when faced with poor service quality.

Outdated Infrastructure

A significant factor contributing to the poor performance of these telecom giants is their reliance on outdated infrastructure. Despite technological advancements and the increasing demand for high-speed internet, much of the UK's broadband infrastructure still relies on aging copper cables, which are prone to degradation and incapable of delivering the speeds required for modern digital activities.

Lack of Investment

Critics argue that Openreach, BT, and Virgin Media have failed to adequately invest in upgrading their infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of consumers. Instead, these companies have prioritized profit margins over customer satisfaction, resulting in sluggish internet speeds, frequent outages, and inadequate coverage in rural areas.

Customer Service Woes

Another common complaint leveled against these telecom giants is their poor customer service. Many consumers have shared tales of frustrating experiences with unresponsive support agents, lengthy wait times for repairs, and confusing billing practices. This lack of effective customer service only exacerbates the frustrations felt by users already grappling with subpar internet connections.

The Need for Change

The status quo of the UK telecom industry is simply unsustainable. As digital technologies continue to permeate every aspect of our lives, reliable and high-speed internet access is no longer a luxury but a fundamental requirement for participation in the modern economy.

We Welcome BRSK With Open Arms

thank you brsk

If brsk can successfully roll out its internet service across the UK, providing faster speeds and superior customer support, it would be a significant achievement for both the company and the residents of the UK.

Improved internet access and service quality are crucial for fostering economic growth, innovation, and connectivity in today's digital world. We extend our gratitude to all involved in making this vision a reality, as it would undoubtedly benefit countless individuals and communities across the nation.

Thank you for your efforts in advancing the UK's telecommunications landscape we support you!

BRSK and Openreach:

BRSK is presently engaged in establishing a comprehensive full-fibre broadband network within the UK. Leveraging available infrastructure, they are utilising Openreach ducts and equipment wherever feasible. However, in instances where Openreach infrastructure is unavailable or simply too old to support full fibre, BRSK is deploying their own cabinets and poles to facilitate the implementation of the full-fibre upgrade.

BRSK Internet and Gaming Users:

For gaming enthusiasts, a reliable and high-speed internet connection is paramount. BRSK Internet prides itself on offering fast and stable connections, making it an excellent choice for gaming users. With low latency and consistent speeds, BRSK Internet provides an optimal gaming experience for users across various platforms.

brsk Complaints and Customer Support:

While BRSK Internet strives to provide top-notch services, they understand that issues may arise from time to time. Setup for any complaints or if new or existing customer require assistance with your BRSK Internet services, they have a dedicated customer support team to help.

You can reach brsk By Telephone: 02039 255 299 or or for prompt assistance logging a ticket through the website: or logging a ticket through your brsk account portal.

BRSK Conclusion

In conclusion, BRSK Internet stands out as a leading provider in the telecommunications industry, offering reliable and high-speed internet services to its customers. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and innovation, BRSK Internet is setting the standards for excellence in this field where competitors customer support is poor, speeds and reliabilty needing improvements whislt costs are high.

Whether you're a gaming enthusiast or simply in need of a dependable internet connection, from what we can see BRSK Internet has you covered.

Our Actual Results Of Using brsk

Modern home with BT Fibre and speeds just not reaching expectations. As a result installed Starlink.

  • BT Fibre paying £45 per month
  • Starlink paying £75 per month

One 06/03/2024 brsk installed £35 per month full fibre.

Communication from the order was great, text messages about installation, the two installers came on time and did a great job, friendly and helpful.

As the job was being completed another brsk engineer turned up to check on things, and then after the installation another guy turned up to double check things. Very impressive.

So what about the speeds, using the same computer equipment and networking system which is Draytek the results speak for themselves:-

BRSK compared to others

The results are amazing on brsk.

At 6:13 am on BT Fibre the speed was around 60mb DOWNLOAD and 16mb UPLOAD.

Changing the system to use STARLINK speed increase is dramatic pushing the DOWNLOAD to 211mb and then UPLOAD to around 10mb.

After the installation of brsk and the system still calibrating we can see amazing speeds at 615mb DOWNLOAD but the most amazing speed is the UPLOAD at over 800mb.

Special note: Original lower speeds of around 500mb earlier was the actual Draytek setup causing some slow down on WAN 1 and WAN 2. Reconfigured correctly and now brsk is lighting fast at nearly 1000mb download and upload.

brsk Actual Broadband Speed Update on day on installation

No words...

The brsk broadband has been installed over 24 hours. Broadband Speed Test 08/03/2024

Disclaimer: Please be advised that Chameleon Web Services is not affiliated with BRSK. This article serves as part of an overview intended to assist UK homeowners in finding relevant information. This article has been writing following the success of home broadband services within our team.

It is recommend that you use the downloadable app to test actual broadband speed - provides an app for most platforms for this purpose. The reason for this is that browser-based speed tests are rarely able to keep up with ultrafast providers. (for your Surface Laptop, ensure the power cable is plugged in) (for your iPhone) (for your android phone)

Read more about Broadband Speed Testing - Click Here