Google Penalty Advice

Google Penalty Advice when Google Detected Unnatural Links

Google Penalty Advice

If your website has dropped out of Google, it may be due to unnatural links methods used by some SEO Companies.

If you receive a message from Google Webmaster Tools stating that a notice of detected unnatural links, then contact an SEO consultant to see what has happened and how to fix this problem. Google is trying to improve the Google Link Algorithm to detect unnatural links. This is the biggest change that will effect SEO companies ever. In 2003, Google introduced Florida, and then followed by Vince in 2009, and the latest was in 2011 when they introduced Panda 2011. These updates are remembered by all who were involved in the SEO industry at the time.

In 2023, the Unnatural Link update will affect the whole SEO industry. This will be the kick that was needed, as the link building has been getting out of control. The internet was growing with spam, with SEO websites and companies making a fortune selling links.

What to do when you get the
unnatural links penalty from Google

Don't panic, if your business mostly use Google for sales, then the next steps you take will require careful thought. There are options available for you.

We have seen unprofessional SEO companies selling links as services. Our clients that we have helped on investigation, after they've dropped out of Google, have links built like this.

Prevent using unknown SEO companies who use spammy blog networks, profile link spamming, cheap paid text links, etc, as all of these will add negative SEO.

Google is clear with their vision to prevent the internet becoming even worse than it is already with spamming, and this is new Google update is a step in the right direction.

So stop using the SEO company you are today, and contact an SEO consultant that can understand how to really add SEO value to your website.

If you have received the "detected unnatural links" message then need to consider having an SEO consultant look at your website.