DIY SEO Made Simple


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Is the process of optimising a web site and improving internal and external aspects in order to increase the traffic the website receives from search engine results.

SEO consultants are fighting against SEO companies who are always working towards improving technology to crawl the web more deeply, returning improved relevant results to users. The problem with SEO is that if it is done correctly you net thousands of visitors and attention, but if done incorrectly and you can hide your site from being seen. In the search results where visibility is minimal SEO helps boost ranking to enable content that has been found to be placed where people will find. It easier.

Unfortunately SEO has become like double glazed windows for your home. You will get so many companies trying to sell you SEO and make money that it's become hard to get rid of an SEO company once you show the smallest amount of interest. Also cheap SEO is not going to get you the results you require.

So Chameleon are here to help you save money:-

  • To get into Google is free.
  • Abide by Google standard rules and your site will work.
  • Black HAT SEO is not going to help.
  • Original quality content on your site will generate quality links.
  • Search engines find your site by other web sites that link t. It.
  • High ranking for specific keyword searches you will need to have the keywords on your page.
  • For specific keywords searched. It helps to have links pointing to your website.
  • One link from a trusted authority sit. In Google could be all you need.
  • The more trusted links you build, the more trust Google will have In your site.
  • Linking to a page using actual key-phrase. In the link will help search engines find the links.
  • Duplicate content found on other websites and Google will ignore your page.


There is so much to discuss when talking about SEO that it is hard to give free advice on SEO. It is a vast subject that needs to be treated with respect. Any web developer that say "You nod need SEO" or "SEO companies are just taking your money", then they don't understand SEO.

Some Free SEO Tips to help you try SEO yourself

First things first, think about specific keywording that will be relevant to your web site.

Keywords like: Google SEO Services, SEO Services, SEO Company, Search Engine Optimisation, SEO Backlinks, SEO Web Design, SEO Help

Your website "Title. Is the first think to start with.

<title>How to get top of Google</title>


The Title of your website should be highly relevant to your website page. Remember to think of the keywords carefully for your website. 5 to 16 words generally a good rule of thumb. A maximum of 70 words to ensure the title. Is able to be displayed in the Google SERPS. Remember every page should have a. Individual title. You can use dividers like "|" to split words. If you find most of the sites that appear top of Google have a title like "Get top of Google | SEO At Its best | Free SEO | SEO Optimization".

Now we can throw a spanner in the works, look at the title example "Get top of Google | SEO a. It's best | Free SEO | SEO Optimization", and look at the wording "Optimization". This great for the American market but what would people search from within the UK?, "Optimisation" so you need to consider your target audience.

if you can follow the title article we have written and understand. It, then you are well on your way to getting a. Increased CTR on Google organic results. What is "CTR" well this something Google looks at and uses to work out pages relevance to search result ranking by monitoring Click-Thru Rate (CTR).

Meta Description aimed to help Google

<meta name="Description" content="How to get your website on the First page of Google"/>


This description should be written for humans to read. Make it relevant to the target audience using key phrases that you think people. In Google will use to search. Take you time to think about this and you always look at competitors website titles and see what works for them.

Google looks does look at the description tag but some people will tell you that Google Is not interested In META tags at all. The description tag is not used to rank your site within Google. But Google will penalise us for not having a perfectly written META Description. It is like not having a postcode for your home. Your post will still get you via the address, but It's much better if you a postcode.

Your META Description should be no more than 160 characters or Google will truncate it. We recommend using 150 to 150 characters to be safe. Remember to have a different META description for each page.

The Best Keywords Meta Tags

<meta name="Keywords" content="Search Engine Optimisation, SEO, Optimization" />


Keywords have bee. In the SEO debate for over 10 years now. They used to be one of the most important part of your website. In order for you to achieve a high ranking position within Google. Now however things have changed as people cheated the system and made keywords have less of a. Importance. If you rely on Meta keyword optimisation only to rank for terms then you are in trouble. However if you don't use them, this will have a negative effect?, who really knows.

Chameleon SEO consultant would recommend using Meta keyword tags to help identify keywords to relevant pages of your site. No matter what you are told. It does not take very long to do complete the process and who knows!

If major SEO companies recommend not using them, why do they themselves bother putting them in on their sites?

An example code from a top ranking SEO company:-

<meta name="Keywords" content="Search Engine Optimisation,SEO,optimization" />


<meta name="distribution" content="Global" />


<meta name="rating" content="Safe For Kids" />


<meta name="description" content="Pay Per Click Management (PPC). Internet marketing" />


Monika Henziger Research Director Google, was quote. In 2002 as saying "Currently we don't trust metadata because we are afraid of being manipulated."

Google have been using the Open Directory Project (ODP), also known as Dmoz for helping to index sites for years.

So you should get your site added to the DMOZ as soon as possible.

Sometimes Search Engine Optimisation company's use jargon that baffles the non trained SEO person. So here is a quick guide:-

URL Canonicalisation: This where a website has two homepages and therefore two entry point into the website. The search engine. Identify this and then give your website a detrimental ranking.

Sitemaps (XML and HTML): Search engine spiders use these understanding a site layout.

RSS Feed. Important feature for the search engines t. Identify that you have on your site. Creation of an RSS Feed will be beneficial to your websites SEO rankings.

One Way Links: Link builders who work with the SEO Programmers, generate one way links from relevant websites across the Internet to your site, these act as votes to your website site and in the eyes of the search engine spiders these are very important.

Validation Errors: Removing errors speeds up the time a search engine spider takes to cache each page of your website, meaning. It can cache more pages each visit and your ranking will Improve.

Be careful of false promises, if a web design company advertises, "Top Of Google in 24 hours", "No 1 in Google in 24 hours" or "Google Page 1 today" then walk away. These companies are taking advantage of people not understanding how Google works.

If we changed our title today, it may not appear in Google with the change for a few days at best, ask the SEO consultant why?. It takes time for Google to pick up all the links to your site and this can be months.

If an SEO company offers you unbelievable results, check there website is in Google. To be top of Google for Search Engine Optimisation, SEO Services or Web Design is very hard. Google takes many many thing into account to position a website top of Google. IT is not something you can just do. There are over 200 factors involved.

Page Rank reflects Google's view of the importance of web pages by using more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms according to the information Google publish. Pages that Google believe are important pages receive a higher Page Rank and are more likely to appear at the top of the search engine results.

Hypertext-Matching Analysis is Google's search engine analysis page content tool. Instead of simply scanning for page-based text (which can be manipulated by site publishers through meta-tags), Google Hypertext Matching technology analyses the full content of a page and factors in fonts, subdivisions and the precise location of each word. Google analyse the content of neighbouring web pages to ensure the results returned are the most relevant to a user's query making it more and more difficult to get top of Google by cheating the system.

It is apparent that Google scores a website by using calculations from information it gathers so get as much SEO help as possible using an SEO consultant to find your sites:-

Usage traffic factors, title meta tags, header meta tags, actual body content text and the internal links pointing to the page. The strength of the domain includes registration history, the domain age, the strength of links pointing to the domain, the topical neighbourhood of domain based on inbound links and outbound links and Historical use and links pattern to domain.

The inbound link Score is calculated from the age of links, the quality of domains sending links, the quality of the pages sending links, the anchor text of links, the link quantity and page rank or a variation and subject matter of linking pages or sites.

There is also user data comprising of historical CTR to page in SERPs, time users spend on page, search requests for URL and Historical visits and use of the URL by users Google can monitor.

The content quality score is also calculated from popular queries and pages provided by Google raters and machine-algorithms for rating the text quality, readability, etc.

Now think about all the factors above and think..."top of Google in 24 Hours"...If your competitor has had search engine optimisation and has 1000's of back links and inbound links and a domain URL with age of over 5 years, with traffic that is bringing 10,000 users a day...You are not going to move that website from the top of Google without a lot of work and money being spent.

Most SEO consultants say it takes on average 6 months to get a good stance to see what you have achieved in Google's eyes. We find we can achieve desirable results within 3 to 6 months. Every day the sites grow in Google eyes and all the hard work carried out will start to take effect after about 6 weeks.

Bear this in mind when you are shopping around for SEO Services and confirm what the SEO consultant can deliver.