Long Term SEO Success

Award winning SEO Company

Chameleon Web Services Success Team

The success of your website position in search engine results pages depends largely on the amount of time and effort you are willing to dedicate to it. There is little purpose in putting lots of initial effort into reaching high rankings in search engine results pages, only then to stop and watch your rankings slip away.

Long Term Search Engine Results Page Success

Search engine results pages are dynamic in nature; therefore your website must also be suitably dynamic to keep up with competitors. Getting to page 1 of Google takes a lot of time and effort, adding content, tweaking the website and building links; once you make it here however you cannot rest on your laurels. This is because competitors will be working


furiously to improve their sites in order to climb above you in the rankings. Of course, if your site remains stagnant and theirs is continuously improving and growing, they will eventually overtake you, causing you to lose position.

The answer to long term search engine results success then is persistence and continuous content updates and additions. It is imperative that your site remains active and is seen to be growing by Google; a good way to do this is through regularly updating a site blog.


Get in touch with us to see how we can help!