Case Study

Willow Chiropractic

Willow Chiropractic Showcase
Willow Logo

Project Overview

Willow Chiropractic is a multi-location chiropractic company based in the southwest of England. Prior to working with Chameleon, the company’s website struggled to effectively organise and present a large amount of information to users. Chameleon’s solution was to redesign the website using WordPress, simplifying the backend interface and making it easier for Willow Chiropractic to update and manage their website. The end result was a user-friendly website that effectively showcased the company’s services and made it easy for users to find the information they needed.

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Menu & Live Chat

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Clinic Selection

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Chiropractors Filter

Achieving a user-friendly and manageable website for Willow Chiropractic.

In conclusion, Chameleon’s redesign of Willow Chiropractic’s website was a success in improving the user experience and streamlining the backend management. By using WordPress and simplifying the interface, Chameleon was able to effectively organise and present a large amount of information in a user-friendly way. This not only made it easier for users to find the information they needed, but also allowed Willow Chiropractic to easily update and manage their website. This case study demonstrates the importance of a well-designed website and the positive impact it can have on a business.

Platforms & plugins we used:

Devices with Chameleon Contact Page

Want a new website of your own or want to get to page one of Google?